Survival Tips To Help You Through Your Donor Egg Cycle – Part 1 of a 3 Part Series
Have you just received the news from your doctor that the best chances for you to become a parent is with the help of an egg donor? If so you’re not alone. You might be feeling bewildered, angry, sad, and definitely overwhelmed. Above all we bet you have a lot of questions.
Below you will find some great survival tips that will help you throughout your egg donor cycle.
Just breathe. And we mean that. Pause, regroup, and just breathe. If you are feeling sad, scared, overwhelmed, unsure, or even angry you’re amongst friends. It’s perfectly normal to have some or all of these feelings. It’s going to take a little time to wrap your head around the whole idea of becoming a parent through egg donation – and that’s okay. One of the most important aspects to know about this process is that it’s common to be sad about losing your genetic link to your future child. For some intended mothers this can be an extraordinarily long grieving process. It’s important that you give yourself ample time to grieve.
Choose your clinic wisely. For many intended parents choosing a clinic is harder than selecting a donor. Select a clinic where you feel respected and cared for. The relationships you develop with your physician and their staff is paramount. It’s important to look for a physician who is going to not only have your best interest in mind but who is caring, kind, empathetic, and most importantly will be your partner during your treatment. The organization PVED (Parents Via Egg Donation) has put together a comprehensive list of questions to ask in regards to your treatment and care.
Don’t be afraid to be picky when selecting an egg donor agency. Many clinics don’t have an egg donor pool – or the pool they have is small from which intended parents can select the egg donor they need to create their family. Because of this many intended parents rely upon egg donor agencies to help them locate and select an egg donor. A word to the wise – not all agencies are created alike. If there is one bit of information that we want you to remember and never forget is that all egg donor agencies are service providers. That means you are in the driver seat. While they may have what you think is the perfect egg donor, you are the one that is writing the check. Without your business they cannot thrive. Read the service contract carefully. Pay attention to the agency’s refund policy; many agencies don’t offer one. Get everything in writing, and that means everything.
Look for part 2 with more tips in a few days!
For more information on IVF with egg donation, The Donor Source is here to guide you through your journey. Contact us at (949) 872-2800 or toll free in the US at: (877) 375-8888. One of our caring and highly skilled case managers will be happy to help you navigate this sometimes difficult maze.