Surrogate Mother FAQs
At The Surrogacy Source, surrogates are well compensated. First time surrogates are compensated $65,000, and experienced surrogates can earn more compensation which we discuss with each experienced surrogate. For more information on surrogate compensation, please visit our compensation
page which offers complete details.
Traditional surrogacy refers to a surrogacy agreement in which the surrogate is the biological mother of the baby, whereas in a gestational surrogacy agreement the surrogate has no genetic relationship to the baby.
You will be partnered with an experienced case manager that will guide you through the surrogacy process. Surrogates will receive personalized medical care, counseling, and legal resources throughout the surrogacy journey.
For a list of the basic surrogate requirements, please visit out Surrogate Requirements page. If you find that you are able to meet all of the basic requirements, please fill-out the initial surrogate application.
Possibly. If your current insurance covers a surrogate pregnancy then you would be able to continue with the same OB/GYN. If you either do not have insurance or an insurance that does not cover a surrogacy pregnancy, new insurance will need to be obtained. If your previous OB is out of network, a new one will have to be chosen. You will be released from the fertility clinic around 11 weeks so you will have ample time to interview and select a physician you are comfortable with if you should need to switch.
Each fertility clinic is different and requires different protocols. Each surrogate will be required to follow a cycle calendar specifically for their transfer. The typical medications taken are Pre-Natal Vitamins, Birth Control, Lupron, Progesterone, and Estrogen. Some medications are taken orally and others are in the form of self-injections.
We work hard to make sure you have the right match. We cannot specify how long it will take you to get matched. There are many factors that can attribute to the match such as location, willingness to pump breast milk, willingness to carry multiples, etc… Our matches are based on preferences of the Intended Parents as well as our gestational surrogates.
There are no out of pocket expenses to our surrogates. If so, they are usually minor and you are always reimbursed for them. All necessary expenses for the transfer are covered. Should you need travel accommodations there is no out of pocket for that either. You will also receive a $350 monthly miscellaneous fee in order to assist with miscellaneous fees that you incur due to the surrogacy.
Yes this is possible. The Surrogacy Source can manage the surrogacy arrangement if you’re matched with a family member or friend.
Each state has its own laws regarding third party reproduction. It is important to check with your surrogacy agency in order to determine what types of surrogacy agreements are allowed within your home state. Certain states have clear laws that permit compensated surrogacy, whereas others only allow solely altruistic surrogacy to occur. Currently, The Surrogacy Source is accepting surrogates in: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington DC, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Though other states do allow for surrogacy, our agency chooses to work with states whose laws allow the intended parent’s names to appear directly on the birth certificate. For information about a specific state and its laws regarding surrogacy, please contact us at (877) 375-8888.
The Surrogacy Source’s requirements are strict in order to protect the health of our potential surrogates and the newborns that they will give birth to. The risks associated with being a surrogate are typically the same risks as those associated with a traditional pregnancy. For more information about risks associated with being a gestational surrogate, or if you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact The Surrogacy Source at (877) 375-8888.