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Fertility Source Companies Blog | Page 36

Ensuring Equal Access to Fertility Services

At the end of last month Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2356, which ensures that single women and women in same sex relationships will have equal access to fertility services. The law will go into effect on January 1, 2013. You can read an article about AB 2356 here on LGBTQ Nation.

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Engage & Support: The Original GLBT Expo NYC

HELLO FRIENDS! We’re using caps here because we want to make sure our Fertility Source Companies friends and families looking to grow to hear us all the way on the East Coast! That’s right this weekend, March 9-10th, we will be at The Orignal GLBT Expo in New York City.

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Engage & Support: OC PRIDE 2013!

Orange County PRIDE is just around the corner! We’re so excited to get to participate in our local (to our administrative office) PRIDE– and PROUD to help all of our LGBTQ families on their Pathway to Parenthood! Come by, say “Hi,” and help us make some noise to support our growing LGBTQ Families!!!

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Dollars & Sense: Clarifying the Financial Journey

There are a lot of things to take into consideration as you start your journey towards parenthood. And, while the cost of parenthood is likely to stack up for all parents, those building their family through egg donation and/or surrogacy often face giant financial hurdles before their little one even arrives.

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Children’s Book – Raf and the Robots

Book share! Because queer folks have kids too.  Kids love books.  And having models that represent ourselves in story is a large part of the magic of storytelling. Today, I bring to you a beautifully illustrated story of Raf and the Robots.  Here is what the Author Sarah Cornor has to say about this book and…

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Welcome to the Fertility Source Companies Blog! As a trusted, nationally renowned egg donation and surrogacy agency, we strongly believe in empowering intended parents, egg donors, and surrogates with the information they need to navigate the third-party reproduction journey. Explore our blog for valuable insights, support, and news regarding egg donation, surrogacy, fertility, and everything in between.