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Fertility Source Companies Blog | Page 6

Can Donating My Eggs Hurt My Fertility?

A common concern that prospective egg donors have is whether or not the egg donation process will put their fertility at risk. This is understandable, considering how much of our understanding of female fertility is closely tied to the number of eggs we have, especially as we get older. However, in the vast majority of…

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Who Benefits From Egg Donation and Surrogacy?

Third-party reproduction, aka services like egg donation, gestational surrogacy, and sperm donation, have helped build countless families across the country. Most people know the basics about these services, though there are still many misconceptions that exist, even today, which impair our overall understanding of not only how third-party reproduction works, but who it benefits. Fertility…

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Why Are Egg Donor Requirements So Strict?

Applying to become an egg donor is an exciting concept, but the process may not be suitable for everyone. This is because egg donor programs from reputable organizations feature strict requirements that must be met for someone to be accepted into an egg donor program. We understand that these requirements can seem overly specific or…

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How to Celebrate Pride Month Across the Country

June is Pride Month in the United States, celebrating and honoring the LGBTQ+ community and its history. Pride is honored in many different ways across the country, but there are at least a few different ways this month’s awareness efforts could improve. Pride is most commonly celebrated in larger cities in the U.S., with exciting…

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Is It Safe To Be a Gestational Surrogate?

One of the first questions that a prospective gestational surrogate will ask is whether or not surrogacy is safe. To become a surrogate carrier is a considerable commitment, it will require your time, your energy, and of course, at the end of your pregnancy, you’ll still need to deliver a baby. This is an extremely…

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Welcome to the Fertility Source Companies Blog! As a trusted, nationally renowned egg donation and surrogacy agency, we strongly believe in empowering intended parents, egg donors, and surrogates with the information they need to navigate the third-party reproduction journey. Explore our blog for valuable insights, support, and news regarding egg donation, surrogacy, fertility, and everything in between.