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Fertility Source Companies Blog Tag: “surrogacy”

Exploring Alternative Paths to Parenthood: Egg Donation and Surrogacy

There is no right or wrong way to grow your family. You have to do what’s best for you and your specific situation, whether you’re facing infertility, intend to be a single parent, or are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Luckily, modern fertility care can help all kinds of aspiring parents have children.  This month,…

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Celebrating 715 Miracles: Fertility Source Companies’ Milestone

Fertility Source Companies is thrilled to announce a remarkable milestone in our journey: the birth of our 715th baby! Each of these precious arrivals represents a unique and joyous story of hope, perseverance, and the incredible bond between intended parents, donors, and surrogates. Since our inception, we have been dedicated to guiding individuals and couples…

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Why the US is the Best Country for Third-Party Reproduction

Every year, people from all over the world come to the United States to pursue third-party reproductive care. Why is this phenomenon so widespread, and more specifically, is the US the best country for third-party reproduction? In this blog post, we’ll explore why the US is the country of choice for egg donation and surrogacy…

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Tips for Having a Healthy Pregnancy as a Gestational Surrogate

Becoming a gestational surrogate is a selfless and rewarding decision. As you prepare to carry a precious life for your intended parents, prioritizing your own well-being becomes paramount. Nurturing a healthy pregnancy not only ensures your own physical and emotional wellness but also contributes to the optimal development of the baby in your care.  In…

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Healthy Holiday Habits for Your Surrogacy Journey

The holidays can be a wonderful, yet stressful, time. Friends and family are around, Mariah Carey blasts in every store, and an inordinate number of sugar cookies keep appearing in your house. However, the hustle and bustle, financial demands, and general chaos around the end of the year can make anyone a little stressed. Throw…

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Welcome to the Fertility Source Companies Blog! As a trusted, nationally renowned egg donation and surrogacy agency, we strongly believe in empowering intended parents, egg donors, and surrogates with the information they need to navigate the third-party reproduction journey. Explore our blog for valuable insights, support, and news regarding egg donation, surrogacy, fertility, and everything in between.