Zika Virus: Precautions with Egg Donation & Surrogacy
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Federal Drug Administration (FDA) have deemed Zika virus a relevant and communicable disease.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Federal Drug Administration (FDA) have deemed Zika virus a relevant and communicable disease.
Fertility Source Companies would like to honor our partnership with Shady Grove Fertility this March!
So, you’ve made the selfless decision to become a surrogate and help Intended Parents build their family. Congratulations! You are about to embark on an amazing journey that will not only change your life, but that of the grateful people you will be helping and, of course, the child you will bring into this world…
Fertility Source Companies es una agencia de gestantes y donantes en Estados Unidos cuya principal misión es ayudar a todas las personas que así lo desean a alcanzar su sueño de tener un hijo. El próximo mes de mayo, Fertility Source Companies estará en la única feria de gestación subrogada que se celebra en España,…
Q: I would like to apply to become a gestational surrogate and heard that I can’t do so if I am receiving state/public assistance…can you please explain this, and let me know if there is a way to still become a surrogate?
Members of our wonderful team at Fertility Source Companies attended the Men Having Babies Surrogacy Conference in San Francisco in January 2016, and heard a wonderful presentation by high-risk OBGyn George Sylvestre, M.D. on single vs. double embryo transfer.